penguins playing on a snowbank
WinterREAD 2025
Read Books. Win Prizes. Don't miss all of the WinterREAD fun!

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The Astronomical World of Harry Potter

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Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Join us for a magical journey through the night sky to learn how characters and events in the Harry Potter series connect to the stars and constellations. From the bright star Sirius to the constellation Draco, the night sky is filled with characters youll recognize. Discover the myths and legend behind the stars and how they connect to the wizarding world.

Special thanks to Jay Lamm at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum for research, design, and supporting materials for the Astronomical World of Harry Potter.

Non-Library Event

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  Age Groups


Medicare Information Meeting

The Astronomical World of Harry Potter

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Join us for a magical journey through the night sky to learn how characters and events in the Harry Potter series connect to the stars and constellations. From the bright star Sirius to the constellation Draco, the night sky is filled with characters youll recognize. Discover the myths and legend behind the stars and how they connect to the wizarding world.

Special thanks to Jay Lamm at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum for research, design, and supporting materials for the Astronomical World of Harry Potter.

The Astronomical World of Harry Potter

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Join us for a magical journey through the night sky to learn how characters and events in the Harry Potter series connect to the stars and constellations. From the bright star Sirius to the constellation Draco, the night sky is filled with characters youll recognize. Discover the myths and legend behind the stars and how they connect to the wizarding world.

Special thanks to Jay Lamm at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum for research, design, and supporting materials for the Astronomical World of Harry Potter.

Spice World: Three Sisters Stew

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  Age Groups


Each month we will have a new take home kit with the spices and herbs youll need to make a different recipe from around the world. This month we are making three sisters stew to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day! The kits will be available to pick up October 17th-22nd. Reserve a kit below. If you would like it sent to Arlington or the bookmobile please put that in by your name.

Monday Afternoon Book Group

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  Age Groups


Read "The Happiest Man on Earth" by Eddie Jaku and join us on Zoom for a discussion. You must register below to be sent a link to participate.

Staff Use

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  Age Groups


AnnaLee will be using the room for her Zoom Book Discussion

Non-Library Event

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  Age Groups


The Constitutionalists

Storytime at the Library

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Join us for Storytime at the library. We will sing, rhyme, and read together. Your child will have so much fun they might not even realize they are learning important skills for future reading! This program is for children and their caregivers.

Non Library Event

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  Age Groups


Girl Scouts