penguins playing on a snowbank
WinterREAD 2025
Read Books. Win Prizes. Don't miss all of the WinterREAD fun!

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Non-Library Event

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Zonta Meeting

Staff Use

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Staff Use

September Salsa Sampler

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Salsa is a great way to sneak extra vegetables (and fruit) into meals while adding color and flavor. Come try some new fresh salsa recipes and learn different ways to incorporate them into the menu.

Online Connectivity Assistance

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Come join an Ohio Connectivity Champion from the Management Council of the Ohio Department of Education, share their expertise and help you sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program and other local programs for affordable devices.

Gentle Reads Book Discussion

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Read "Lights Out" by Natalie Walters and join the discussion in the Lindamood Room.

Virtual Author Talk: Dr. Michele Borba "Raising Thrivers"

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Join us in conversation with bestselling author and expert in child development, Dr. Michele Borba, as she discusses her book, Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine.

Sean Gaskell

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Sean Gaskell will give a performance and educational demonstration on the kora, an ancient 21-stringed harp from West Africa. He will feature traditional songs that are the heart and soul of the kora's musical repertoire.

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt at Oakwoods

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Enjoy an evening at Oakwoods Nature Preserve (1400 Oakwoods Lane Findlay) while completing an outdoor scavenger hunt! Families will receive a scavenger hunt list at the Richard S. "Doc" Phillips Discovery Center and can return their completed list there for a small prize. This program is presented with the Hancock Parks District.
In the event of bad weather, we will following the park's policy:

Tutor Training

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Read for Life will be offering a tutor training class! Potential adult volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and are asked to commit to one year or more of volunteering. Volunteers must be literate, however, no professional training or education is required. Read for Life is looking for volunteers to teach reading, writing, English, life skills and subject areas of the High School Equivalency including math, social studies, and science. Registration is required by calling 419-422-3755 or e-mailing

Non-Library Event

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Book Cellar